All Nations Corps Community Center
The Salvation Army
All Nations Corps Community Center
1001 N. Richey Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85716
The Salvation Army's Korean and Temple Corps have united to form the All Nations Corps Community Center.
Located alongside The Salvation Army's Tucson Area Coordination and Temple Corps Community Center, All Nations Corps shares a recreational meeting room, music room, and adjoining Chapel.
In addition to addressing the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of its members, All Nations Corps also provides many community outreach programs and events. They host regular Bible study groups and conduct full worship & ministry services, as well as Sunday church service.
The All Nations Corps offers a Silver College Senior Program where classes are geared toward helping senior citizens maintain a balanced health in their lives spiritually, emotionally, and physically. This senior program includes worship, exercise, English classes, lunch, health seminars, dancing, signing, art, golf, computer training, knitting, bingo, and picnic outings. They also offer summer day camps and Vacation Bible School for the youth which includes worship, book club, Spanish classes, exercise, music, art, games, movies, and field trips.